How to create a data table widget

In this article we explain you how to create a new data table widget from scratch.

To create a new data table widget you first:

  • Navigate to the widgets section Icon-widgets in the left menu 
  • Then click the " + " right next to "Widgets" 

widget overview sitelucent

create new widget sitelucent

In the "Configuration" tab on the right side of your screen, you first:

  • Choose visualization type "Data table": To display data in a tabular form, typically used to dive into details.
  • Select multiple table fields of your choice.

Explanation of table fields:

For instance, if we search for EAN. We see in the image below 2 different table fields for EAN:

ean data ecommerce sitelucent

  • Field - PDP: The EAN found on the Product Detail Page.
  • META: The EAN is retrieved from the 1st source where we encountered that product. This can be a product list, a Product Detail Page, or similar sources.

    We can also find a 'special field':
  • Product Tags --> Field - Special: Adding this field allows you to add custom table fields to your data table, derived from product tags in a product list. In the example below we show 2 product tags that we first added to the product list. Type the exact name(s) as they appear in the product list. In case you want to add more than 1 tag, you can separate them with a comma.

widget product tags sitelucent

  • Move to the tab "INFO" to add a widget name and description

edit widget name and description sitelucent

  • Click save.

You have now created a new widget. The next step will be to add the widget to a dashboard.