How to create a KPI widget

In this article we explain you how to create a new KPI widget from scratch.

To create a new KPI widget you first:

  • Navigate to the widgets section Icon-widgets in the left menu.
  • Then click the " + " right next to "Widgets".

overview widgets sitelucent

create custom widgets sitelucent

In the "Configuration" tab on the right side of your screen, you first:
  • Choose visualization type KPI: This widget visualization type gives you the percentage, sum, minimum, maximum, count or the average of a certain metric.

kpi widget sitelucent ecommerce

  • Select 1 metric. use the search bar to search for a specific metric.

metric kpi widget sitelucent

  • Then choose and select the aggregation function.

    aggregation kpi widget sitelucent
    • Open the "INFO" tab to add a widget name and description.

    Advanced settings:

    By default "last day of date range" is selected. If you want to see the KPI for the date range you apply to your filter settings in a dashboard, then select "Full date range".
    • Click save.

    data range kpi widget sitelucent

    You have now created a new widget. The next step will be to add the widget to a dashboard.