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How to retrieve detailed product reviews

To retrieve detailed product reviews, you need to use our API. In the next few steps, we’ll walk you through the details.

Before getting started, you need to know where to find your personal API keys.

  • Go to ‘My Profile’ in the Sitelucent tool;
  • Here you find your ‘API Keys’:

In the next few steps, it’s important to know the following:

  • The ‘secret‘ mentioned in the API, is your ‘API User Key’;
  • The ‘key’ mentioned in the API, is your ‘API Customer Key’.

Now you have the information you need to get started.

The steps to receiving detailed product reviews

  1. Retrieve the product IDs for the products you want to receive detailed product reviews.

    Use the following URL to access the API: API USER KEY&key=YOUR API CUSTOMER KEY&dataset=all_reviews_products&retailer_id=RETAILER ID

    Fill in your API User Key, your API Customer Key, and the Retailer ID in the bold areas.
    Important: do not use spaces, brackets, or any other characters.

    Secret: your personal API User Key
    Key: your personal API Customer Key
    Retailer ID: the Sitelucent retailer ID(s) of the retailers you want to extract reviews from. More information about how to retrieve the retailer ID(s) can be requested by emailing 

  2. With the filled in API, you receive all product IDs:
  3. Now you are going to retrieve the detailed product reviews.

    Important: you can only make a request for a maximum of 10 SKUs at a time!

    Use the following URL to access the API: API USER KEY&key=YOUR API CUSTOMER KEY&retailer_id=RETAILER ID&product_ids=PRODUCT ID(s)

    Fill in your API User Key, your API Customer Key, the Retailer ID, and the Product ID(s) you received in the first request.

    Secret: your personal API User Key
    Key: your personal API Customer Key
    Retailer ID: the Sitelucent retailer ID(s) of the retailers you want to extract reviews from
    Product ID: the Sitelucent product ID(s) of the products you want to extract reviews from

    If you want to make a request for multiple SKUs (up to 10 at a time!), separate them by a ‘comma’ and a ‘space’. 
    i.e. 1010772, 1032992, 1048864, etc.

  4. With the filled-in API, you receive all detailed product reviews for the requested product IDs in a JSON file.
  5. The JSON file can then be converted with for example a JSON Formatter to make it easier to read. Many JSON Formatters can be found on Google.


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