Before getting started, you need to know where to find your personal API keys.
In the next few steps, it’s important to know the following:
Now you have the information you need to get started.
Use the following URL to access the API: API USER KEY&key=YOUR API CUSTOMER KEY&dataset=all_reviews_products&retailer_id=RETAILER ID
Fill in your API User Key, your API Customer Key, and the Retailer ID in the bold areas.
Important: do not use spaces, brackets, or any other characters.
Secret: your personal API User Key
Key: your personal API Customer Key
Retailer ID: the Sitelucent retailer ID(s) of the retailers you want to extract reviews from. More information about how to retrieve the retailer ID(s) can be requested by emailing
Important: you can only make a request for a maximum of 10 SKUs at a time!
Use the following URL to access the API: API USER KEY&key=YOUR API CUSTOMER KEY&retailer_id=RETAILER ID&product_ids=PRODUCT ID(s)
Fill in your API User Key, your API Customer Key, the Retailer ID, and the Product ID(s) you received in the first request.
Secret: your personal API User Key
Key: your personal API Customer Key
Retailer ID: the Sitelucent retailer ID(s) of the retailers you want to extract reviews from
Product ID: the Sitelucent product ID(s) of the products you want to extract reviews from
If you want to make a request for multiple SKUs (up to 10 at a time!), separate them by a ‘comma’ and a ‘space’.
i.e. 1010772, 1032992, 1048864, etc.