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How to use attributes in the DCC score

You can add so-called Product Attributes to a Product List. In this article, we explain how you can use these attributes in the DCC score.

To use attributes in the DCC score you first:

  • Create an attribute in a product list.
    Attributes could be for instance: product colour, weight, size or main keywords. You can use attributes to identify gaps and inconsistencies in product content on retailer sites.
  • Add a new rule to the DCC score.
  • Then use the DCC score in dashboards.


Ben sells children’s products online and product content is published on multiple sales channels. He wants to check if retailer sites display the following product features/attributes correctly in product titles:

– Category;

– Model names;

– Weight Group.

To do this, Ben takes the following steps:

  • He adds 3 columns to his product list and names them: Category, Type, and Color. He then fills in the corresponding values for all of his products.
  • By adding multiple variants (separated by a pipe-symbol “|”)  he can add words in multiple languages, and weights written in a different format.
  • He uploads his product list and adds rules to the DCC score:

To Basic Content component: Title contains Category:

To Basic Content component: Title contains Brand:

To Extended Content component: Title contains key feature:

  • Ben now sees which product titles contain the correct Model names and Category in the table widget: Content completeness (DCC) score – Basic Criteria not fully met:
  • Ben now sees which product titles contain the correct weight groups in the table widget: Content completeness (DCC) score – Extended Criteria not fully met:

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