Learn how to extract (segmented) data from bar and line chart widgets

By reading this article, you will learn how to make data in charts insightful. Apply overrides as desired and segment this data set even more. Moreover, you will learn how to export your discovered insights within a few clicks.

This article covers: 

Override Dimensions

Each graph in a dashboard has a dimension. A dimension indicates how a bar or line graph is plotted. Below is an example of a bar chart that contains a Retailer dimension.  

Override dimension

As you can see in the image above, when you choose the dimension: Retailer, all the bars in the widget are plotted by retailer. However, this can be adjusted if desired.
Do you want to provide a temporary insight immediately? Then click on the dimension (bottom right) and click on one of the options. The 3 most chosen options are immediately visible, and when you press "more options" you can choose from all available dimensions. You can even use tags from your product list as dimensions!  Watch the video below to learn more: 

As you may have noticed, setting an override dimension is temporary. In other words; when you refresh the dashboard you will see the "default dimension" configured by the person who created it originally. Fortunately, you can change this very easily! Note; you must be the dashboard owner to do this. 

Steps to permanently modify an override dimension: 

- Edit dashboard 
- Click on the settings icon next to the graph you want to override
- Click on "Dimension
- Choose the desired dimension 
- Click on "Apply
- See if you want to make any other changes to the dashboard 
- Then click "Save" to save all changes.   

The steps above are recapped in this video

Click-Throughs In Charts

When you have set up a line or bar chart to your liking you are obviously interested in how the data is structured. Why do products in Spain (ES) have an in-stock rate of 52.5% and more importantly how can you get this number up, to increase sales?

Stock rate ES-1

To answer the above question, you need to see the underlying data. We will explain how you can best uncover this in both bar- and line charts.   

Please note that Bar and Line charts are not only named differently, but they also display insights in a slightly different way. The rule of thumb here is that a line chart displays data for the complete date range selected in a dashboard filter, while a bar chart displays only the last day of the selected date range. This information is always shown at the bottom of the chart (highlighted in the image below).  

Date ranges in charts-1

Ready to view the segmented data of a bar or line chart? Then press a specific bar in the chart to see dimension-specific data. In line charts, select the date and the dimension to get the results you want to view.
If you click (either intentionally or unintentionally) outside a bar or line, you will see all the widget data. Watch the video below for an explanation.

Data Segmentation

Once you have clicked through from a point in the graph, you will see a segmented view of your data. This gives you the starting point for what you can fine-tune further.
In the video below you find an example of a line graph where we have the dimension Country, with values: ES, IT, and NL applied. Here we press the bar IT and bring up a segmented data overview, only covering products from the country: Italy (IT). In the details screen you can now press the filter icon. You can choose to select more filters to your liking. This also applies to line graphs, where you even have a second dimension called "download date". The date represents the date range selected in the dashboard. 

See the video below for an explanation of the above: 

Data Exports

Last but not least, we offer you the possibility to export your data segmentations. Read more about how to do this here.